In the chat area, you can access additional options by clicking on the arrow icon located at the top right of a chat message when you hover over it. Here's what you can do:

1. Reply: quote other people's messages for context in your responses

2. Edit: make updates to your own messages

3. Star message / Unstar message: pin or unpin important messages within lengthy conversations for easy reference

4. Reply later / Cancel reply later: mark messages to respond to later when you're busy, or cancel the reminder

5. Delete message: remove your own messages from the chat

6. Forward message: share messages with a chat room of your choice

7. Download file: save files to your local device for offline access

Please note that if you don't see some of the above options, if could be because they are not applicable, or have been disabled by your organization's owner.

These options are available on both the EverLeagues web app and mobile app, ensuring a seamless experience across platforms.