EverLeagues organizations provide you with a streamlined approach to efficiently manage your business while fostering effective communication and collaboration among your employees and clients.

To create a new organization, simply click on "Add my Organization" located on the top-left corner of the web app.

This will direct you to the organization creation panel, which is divided into three sections:

1) Organization: fill out the following mandatory information:

    - Organization Name

    - Organization Alias (must be alphanumeric and at least 4 characters)

    - Service Industry: select your business sector

2) Subscription: choose the subscription plan best suited to your needs. 

Our subscription offerings mainly consist of two plans:

Free: This plan is completely free, although it comes with limitations on your usage.

Pay-As-You-Go: Under this plan, you are charged based on your usage. Your overall cost is determined by factors such as the number of users and the resources consumed, ensuring you pay only for what you use.

Before committing to any paid subscription, you have the opportunity to try our 30-day Free Trial. Please note that after this trial period, you will be automatically billed for your selected plan.

The main differences between different subscription plans are shown on our pricing page: https://www.everleagues.com/pricing/ 

3) Payment: If you chose a paid subscription, you can input your payment information in this section.