You can create different teams within any sub-organization unit.

Here's how to view, create and manage teams:

1. Select Teams from the left side menu bar 

You may notice that some teams are already listed here. This is because teams are automatically generated for every sub-organization unit within your organization.

Within this window, you can view all the teams in your organization. 

2. Go to the bottom of the left side bar and click the Settings icon to manage teams

Each team offers the following two options on the right side:

- Edit team information: includes manage members, channels, and settings

- Delete team: delete team & associated data

3. Go to the bottom of the left side bar and click the Add icon and follow these steps to create a new team:

A. Select the team type

- Public Team: All members of the sub-organization unit can see public teams but cannot create new channels or post in the team. Team members also cannot see each other. The owner can choose whether members can comment within the team.

- Private Team: You can choose whether members can see each other, create channels, and post and comment within the team.

B. Team Name: enter a name for your team

C. Organization Unit: choose the sub-organization unit you wish to add the team to

D. If you created a private team, select members for your team under the Members tab. Enter their names and click INVITE. Note that you can only choose members who are already part of the selected sub-organization unit.

To finish the process, click Create.