Once you've successfully invited and added users to specific organization units or teams, you can make changes as needed by going to Settings, then Users. To make changes, simply navigate to the right side of any user row to access the following options:

1) Edit Organization Unit: modify the organization unit of the user

2) Edit Role: modify the user's role within the organization

3) Suspend User: suspending a user from an organization unit restricts their ability to work within it or access any information inside it. This action is reversible, allowing you to reactivate the user if needed.

4) Delete User: deleting the user will permanently remove them from the organization.

For users who have the co-worker role:

5) Promote to Admin / Demote Admin: this feature allows you to promote or demote the user as necessary. Admins have special access to features, such as Subscriptions, that others do not have access to.