With the EverLeagues mobile app, you can easily stay connected with your business contacts. Here's how to chat with any contact using the app:

1. Select the Chat icon located in the bottom menu bar. 

2. Use the search icon to quickly find a contact.

3. Tap a chat room to open it.

Click the plus icon located on the bottom right to reveal a list of chat options, available from left to right:

1. File: Attach any file from your phone

2. Cloud: Attach any file from your Cloud Files

3. Scan: Create and attach a PDF file

4. Photo: Attach an image

5. Take Photo: Take a photo and send it

6. Schedule Meet: schedule a video conference

7. Meeting: start a video conference

To send an audio message, simply click the audio icon. Hold the "hold to record" button to record your message, and release it to send.