Owners can create multiple Shared Drives, and invite collaborators to each for shared access to the drive. Collaborators can then access all files and folders within the drive based on the drive permissions and their role permissions. 

This different from My Drive, where there is only one owner for all the files and folders. When files and folders in My Drive are shared with others, they always show up in Shared with Me regardless of the shared user's role.

Example: the partner at a CPA firm creates a Shared Drive called "Client Drive" and gives all CPAs in the firm shared access to the Drive. The CPAs will share specific client folders within the drive with clients, and clients will see only that folder. This is because clients are shared to the folder, and not the entire drive. This makes it easy for CPAs to collectively manage clients and collect information from them.

To create a Shared Drive, the owner needs to go to the left side menu bar > Cloud Files > Shared Drive

On the top left, click the + New button to create a new Shared Drive

On the left side, you will see the newly created drive, along with existing drives.

Right click on a Shared Drive for options: rename, delete, or manage members. Click on Manage Members to add or edit collaborators.

Add members by selecting them from the dropdown. 

There are 3 roles to choose from: Manager, Contributor, Viewer

Manager: all contributor permissions, can also delete and create subfolders in folders

Contributor: all viewer permissions, can also delete files and upload in folders

Viewer: can open and download files and folders